Water once surrounded the Great Pyramid and was the “PERIMETER”. The Great Pyramid squares the circle by perimeter.
Evidence appears to be found that Water was pumped through the Great Pyramid.
Many Egyptian Temples contain Sacred Lakes filled with Water.
The Nile River and the flooding of the Waters was celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians.
The Primordial God in Egypt was “Nun”, a was a symbol of the Primordial Waters.
The Creation Myth of Ancient Egypt is a profound narrative that explains how the world came into being. It is centered around the notion that the universe emerged from an infinite, lifeless ocean of Water called Nun.
The first god to arise from this chaos was Ra (or Atum). They rose from the Waters on the Benben Stone. The Benben shaped in the form of a Pyramid.
The Creator God Ra (or Atum) settled upon this Pyramid still surrounded by the Waters and created all the other Gods, Light and Life.
The Pyramids, surrounded by a perimeter of Water appear to be symbolically representing the Creation Myth of the Primordial Waters in their architectural design.