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The Great Pyramid has a base length of 756' and a height of 481'. To "square the circle" by perimeter, a square of 756' and a circle of radius 481' are drawn. The result is that the perimeter of the square and the circumference of the circle match in measure. Perimeter is clearly important.

The Great Pyramid contains 2 triangles, one triangle has a base length of 756' and a height of 481' and a corresponding angle of 51.83 degrees, and the second triangle is drawn along the diagonal of the square, and has a base length of 1069.145' and a height of 481' and has a corresponding angle of 42 degrees. A rainbow is created by the refraction and scattering of the light through water droplets (spheres) in the air. Water is fundamental to the creation of the rainbow phenomenon.

The Great Pyramid was originally surrounded by a "perimeter" of water, a small and neglected, yet key detail to the puzzle of the pyramids. In fact, all pyramids are surrounded by a square megalithic perimeter wall, which suggests that water is a key ingredient. If the ancients were retaining water at their sacred sites, then this would explain the massive stone construction we see at all of these sites. To retain the volume of water surrounding the pyramids perimeter and found at other sacred sites is the reason we see huge megalithic stone architecture and construction at all of the ancient sacred sites.

The Great Pyramid "squares the circle" by Perimeter. The water was retained around the PERIMETER by a square shaped megalithic retaining wall. The base length of the Great Pyramid encodes the diameter of water in it's square root. √756 = 2.75 = WATER DIAMETER, and curiously the distance between the 2 rainbows is equal to 275', again water. Rainbows are usually seen in the western sky during the morning and in the eastern sky during the early evening. Rainbows are created by light and water. Three conditions are to be met to see a rainbow:

  • the sun needs to be behind you, and there should be millions of water droplets in front of you, and the sunlight should be able to reach the water droplets without any obstruction. The Great Pyramid's perimeter was surrounded by water....

  • The primary bow appears as a result of just one internal reflection inside the water droplets between 40° and 42°. Red band forms at 42°, violet band at 40°, and other colors in between. The Great Pyramid diagonal triangle defines angle of 42°......

  • The fainter secondary bow forms as a result of two internal reflections inside the water droplets. It appears from 51° to 53°. Red band forms at 51°, violet band at 53°, and other colors in between. The Great Pyramid triangle defines angle of 51.83°......

  • The secondary bow is fainter because the amount of sunlight that goes through two internal reflections is much less compared with just one internal reflection.

  • Alexander dark band, between the primary and secondary bow, forms as there is no light coming out of any droplet between 42° and 51°. 

What knowledge were the ancient Egyptian's trying to pass on by incorporating this phenomena into the architecture? Light, Water and Geometry.

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