Water has a diameter of 2.75 Angstroms. The radius of the circle would be 1.375, which is equal to the Golden Angle and Phi. The area of the circle would be 5.93. The square root of the area equals √5.9 = 2.428, which equals the Compton Wavelength of 2.4263. The circumference or perimeter of the circle would be equal to 8.639 (864), which equals TIME.
If we "square the circle" of water just like the Great Pyramid by Perimeter, we find the corresponding square has an edge length of 2.16. The Sacred Number 216 can be found in all religions and ancient texts. The area of the square would equal 4.66, which is the Feigenbaum Constant, which is found in fractals. The perimeter of the square would equal 8.639, matching the circle and TIME.
Next, we can create a 3 dimensional cube from the square. The Cube of Life or cube of water. This cube creates the fundamental x, y, and z axis for our 3d reality. The cube would have an edge length of 2.16. The volume of this cube equals 10.0741. The Devicci Tesseract Constant equals 10.0743, and the Proton Mass = 1.007276 Da. The surface area of the cube would be 27.9871. The square root of √2.79871 = 1.672 = Proton Mass and further the square root of √27.9871 = 5.29028, which is very close to the Bohr Radius 5.2917721. The volume would have a diagonal equal to 3.7408, which equals the value of the First Radiation Constant 3.7417.
Clearly, this cube of water contains the fundamentals of Life. In upcoming posts we will explore in detail the relationships between Water and the Cube and the Sphere. For now, lets continue to examine Sacred Number 216, and what it symbolized to the ancients.
216 in Hebrew encodes the gematria, meaning the "inner or hidden temple".
In Masonic and Pythagorean traditions, the 3-4-5 triangle is the foundation of all Masonic knowledge. If you cube 3, 4, and 5 and add them together, you get 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 = 216. Could this be the hidden meaning? Since 216 = 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 = 6^3, it is the smallest cube that is also the sum of three cubes (Plato was among the first to notice this and mentioned it in Book VIII of Republic). 216 is known as Plato’s Number. Is this the true meaning behind the Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle? Is it a hidden code for 216?
3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 = 216 = 6 x 6 x 6 = 6^3 = 666
In the Bible, we can examine Revelations 21:6. We find a curious reference again to 216 in the numbering of Revelation 21:6 (216). To further this hidden secret, in Revelations 21:6, we find the following words, “It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End”. Could this be referring to the Cube encoded in the numbering? Is the Cube the beginning and the end of our reality? In English Gematria, the sentence “It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End” equals a gematria value of 216. How is this all possible? Who designed all these hidden codes?
The Name of the fifth Sephirot in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is “Gevurah” or Severity which is again equal to the gematria value of 216. The Torah was given to Moses and Israel from “the Mouth of the Gevurah.” This is a curious reference to speech, words, or sounds. It is also very significant that the Rabbi uses the Name of no other sephirot to represent God Himself, other than Gevurah. Recall that the gematria value of Gevurah is 216, is equal to 6 x 6 x 6 = (6^3) or 6 cubed. The stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were carved are given in the Torah as dimensions of 6 handbreadths long by 6 handbreadths wide by 3 handbreadths deep. There were 2 stone tablets. If the two tablets were placed together, they would create a cube of 6 x 6 x 6 or 6^3. Again repeating the number 216 and the internal angles within a Cube.
Now, if we examine another passage from the Bible,
And the Oracle (Holy of Holies) in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold; (I Kings 6.20)
Also of interest is the measurements of the Holy of Holies; the Bible gives the measures of 20 cubits in length x 20 cubits in breadth x 20 cubits in height. These measurements are clearly encoding a Cube again. 20 cubits = 20 x 1.728’ (Royal Egyptian Cubit) = 34.56 feet. Again, a hidden reference to the hidden secrets of the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triangle and the Cube. 360 symbolizes the completion of a circle, but it is also the sum of the interior angles of a square 360.
The golden ratio, or the divine proportion, can be seen in Nature, geometry, our Body, architecture, music, and many other areas, as we have learned. It is the life force that creates all of Nature and the Universe. This irrational number, called Phi, can also be calculated from the Number of Man 666 and 6 cubed or 216.
sine (666˚) = cosine (216˚)
-sine (666˚) - cosine (216˚) = 1.618
Dr. Robert Moon, Johann Kepler, and many other physicists have theorized that all matter starts with a Cube or a Hexahedron. Today the Islam faith prays to a Cube at Mecca. The worshippers walk around in “circles” around the Cube in prayer. This means that the worshippers are, in effect, “squaring the circle.” Interesting to note as well is that the Cube at Mecca is black in color. If you take the Muslim word Kabbalah, it can be broken down into “Kabba,” - which means “the Cube,” plus “Allah,” which means “God.” Combining the two meanings, you get the “Cube of God.” Is this what the Kabbalah encodes? Similarly, in the Hebrew religion today, they worship with a Cube called a Tefillin. It is placed on the forehead and wound around the arm in prayer. Again, I find it curious that a Tefillin is a black-colored Cube.
To further this thought, in the teachings of the Kabbalah is the Sephir Yetrizah, which describes a “Cube of Space.” Hidden in plain sight on the flag of Israel is the Star of David. The Star of David is a hexagon that encodes a hidden Cube in the hexagon star. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life also encodes two Cubes in its geometric pattern. In Kabballah, the Cube unfolds into the Christian Cross and is given the number 6, bringing energy into the materials.
The Cube for the Christians is the Cross. Since a Cross folds into a Cube. Could the sacred secret be found in the Cube? Could the Cube be the fundamental form of life? In conclusion, it may be that all popular religion is really worshipping a hidden Cube. A cube of holy water?