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Water is fundamental to Life. Is Water encoded in the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid encodes Water in its base length of 756’. The square root of 756 equals 27.495, which is equal to 2.75, the diameter of Water. When you convert 2.75 angstroms diameter to inches you get 1.08 inches (see below).

Water having a diameter of 2.75 would have a radius of 1.375. The golden angle is 137.5, and Phi. We could say that the radius of water equals the Golden Angle. Robert Edward Grant demonstrated that 137.5 can create the 10 fundamental constants (Are ALL Mathematical and Physical Constants Simply Mirrored Interchangeable Transformations of The Golden Angle? (

I have applied this to the radius of Water. The Golden Angle equals the radius of water 137.5.


137.51° / 360° = .3819; 1-.3819 = .618 = φ (The Golden Ratio) (φ360° = 222.49°)

618° / 360° = 1.718; 1 + 1.718 = 2.718 = e (The Euler Number)

(1/.1718 – (1-.22249^.5))/10^2 = .5772 = γ (The Euler Mascheroni Constant)

137.51° / 360° = .3819; 1/.3819 = 2.618 = Φ^2 (The Golden Ratio Squared)

Φ^2 * 1.2 = π. (Pi) This means that Φ^2 is actually π toggling between Base10 and Base12 numbering systems.

1/(π-1) = .4669 = σ (Feigenbaum Constant)

1.3748^π = e

10^4/e^π = 432

432*1.2 = 518.4; .5184*360° = 186.624° = C (speed of Light in miles/sec) 432^2 = 186,624

(π^2)/6 = ζ (Riemann Zeta Function which governs prime number distribution

360° – 137.51° = 222.49°; 222.49° / 360° = φ; 137.51° – (.22249)^.5 = 137.0359 = α^-1 (Fine Structure Constant)

(α^-1) / 360° = .380649; 1 + .380649 = K (The Boltzmann Constant which defines the relationship between Temperature and Kinetic Energy)


What are the Pyramids teaching us about Water and Life? Water has the ability to create Life.

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